The issue of China's food security is a problem that's been simmering for some time. However, as we pointed out back in January, "What we can be reasonably confident of is that the Chinese Communist Party, being a totalitarian state, is going to try to cover-up or minimize the situation to the maximum extent possible and even rather beyond credulity."
As we observed at that time with Corona-Chan, the fact that this grave blunder was being acknowledged and the public was not only being informed but enlisted to help deal with an issue, is a leading indicator that the Chinese government is scared of said issue. That proved a prescient observation regarding the beer-bug. This is why Xi's exortation to not waste food is so concerning.
On the face of it, one's typical reaction to troubles for a brutal, totalitarian, genocidal state might seem to fall somewhere between, "So!? We've got other problems....mostly Chicom problems.", and "feel good story of the day".
However it should be remembered that the Politburo is not going to miss a meal. Over a billion people will suffer and many of them will die horrifically if this famine comes to pass. But there is more to ponder than that.
'Fear not the angry man nearly so much as the hungry man.'
That applies to people mobs and nations.The politburo will do anything stay in charge and protect itself, and will go to insane lengths to alleviate, or at least distract from its people's suffering. China is a nuclear possession of most of our manufacturing capacity. A short sharp war to distract from famine of capture some crops might seem like a good idea to scared officials holding angry mobs at bay.
As Seneca said: "A hungry people listens not to reason, nor cares for justice, nor is bent by any prayers, or pleas for mercy."
Keep an eye on this situation. It may ultimately be the most consequential of this years curveballs. And keep a month of two's worth of food in your home at all times.
Nerdette's Newstand has been fairly solid in her reporting, but she's hardly a firebrand and I did not expect this.
The scary part of this video is the video she tacks onto the end. I think it is a Jon Birch film. But that's not why it's scary. It's scary because things have gone so very pear shaped that the Birchers were actually right and laid out everything that's happened.
I haven't watched the video yet, but I'll note that the Bitchute link that was added previously no longer seems to appear on these posts.
Also, while I like the concept of Bitchute as an alternative to YouTube, most of the videos that I play fromt here these days come through at such a low resolution that wathing them is becoming annoying (I have a high bandwidth connection, but use a VPN which I think is causing downgrading). At least when YouTube does that, I can force the videos to highest resolution.
Posted by: StargazerA5 at Fri Aug 7 10:12:03 2020 (EYnmJ)
That link is manually added unless the blogger is an idiot and forgets it.
Fortunately I an a geniu...Oh.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Fri Aug 7 17:01:40 2020 (5iiQK)
Hampton Roads was on the eastern side of the thing as it ran north and its 20 to 35 mph forward speed was added to a wind speed of 60-70 mph when it arrived here. Add in a few tornadoes and the intense rain and the storm was able to make its passage known.
I do have a bit of advice for Americans who live in disaster prone areas. The day to order your 95-150 pound generators is not right after the storm comes and cuts your power. Also try to not order those on the same day that 30,000 other people did. Your UPS driver will thank you and your order won't risk being delayed by choking the system with huge boxes that fill up all the trucks.
Note that my center did get all the packages out without rolling over or delaying anything, but it was a near run thing and, anyway, it's the thought that counts.
So it's not that they see 1984 as a 'how to' manual instead of a cautionary tale, it's that the reference is unknown to them.
Matt Taibbi is only 3 months younger than me, so it's not a generational thing.
Most people my age would assume 2+2=5 was a reference to Orwell (I think they would). In fairness however, this was not, strictly speaking a 1984 reference, at least not intentionally, but the actual reference is a stygian cesspit of foetidly, anfractous, terrifying stupidity that I'll not touch for now.
I read the book at least twice, and I've seen the movie, and it would have gone over my head as well. Apparently I need to refresh myself on the finer details, as opposed to just the broad concept.
Posted by: David at Tue Aug 4 01:09:20 2020 (L65WS)
For something more recent than 1984, try the ST:TNG episode Chain of Command, where a Cardassian, trying to break Picard's will through torture, has four lights shining behind him and tries to get Picard to say there are 5 lights. It was a major theme of the storyline.
Posted by: Rick C at Tue Aug 4 09:41:43 2020 (Iwkd4)
So apparently this 2+2=5 thing is actually the latest bit of stupidity from the left, part of the weird idea that Math is Racist.
Posted by: Mauser at Sun Aug 9 03:13:07 2020 (Ix1l6)
This thing has stayed on track for almost a week. It's moved slightly west even. That is really unusual.
It's not a particularly bad storm, but it is looking to be rather wet, so while I'm not terribly concerned I expect problems with flooding. I'm actually more concerned about people in the Acela Corridor, Which this storm is straddling. It's going through areas with people who aren't familiar with how much flooding these things can cause.
On a lot of sites the Disqus comment system is (quite reasonably) set to disallow posting images, except those in the Disqus menu of approved SFW pictures.
Today, to my astonishment, I learned that there are Lucky Star .gifs in that menu.
This has no bearing on anything, but made me laugh.
Posted by: Mauser at Sun Aug 2 22:48:51 2020 (Ix1l6)
On some sites, URL blocks can be trivially worked around, for example by capitalizing one letter in the domain name. You bypass the filter, and your image will even embed.
Posted by: Rick C at Mon Aug 3 08:30:44 2020 (Iwkd4)
I was inordinately worried about this. This is the first time the U.S. has sent AND RETURNED astronauts on its own since the Space Shuttle was retired in the wake of the Columbia disaster, and, well, it's 2020, so having watched the destruction of Columbia and Challenger live I was on pins and needles.
And as I type this it's been 44 minutes they are concerned because there seems to be a fuel leak and they still can't open the door. That's new. Is it hydrazine?...I hope not.
UPDATE: No it's NTO. Which explains why they haven't gotten the deckhands the hell out of there.
UPDATE2: All good, it took an hour but they are both out of the capsule and fine.
They were quite clear that there wasn't any indication of a leak, it was just residual vapor left over from thruster firings. But NTO and MMH are nasty enough stuff that even at 3 parts per million in that hatchway, they weren't about to open up until they'd cycled enough fresh air through to purge things. This is pretty standard, the space shuttle astronauts spent a good time inside waiting for things to clear up even though all the nasty stuff was nearly a hundred feet back from them at the other end of the craft from the hatch.
Posted by: David at Sun Aug 2 15:19:55 2020 (L65WS)
I Got Up This Morning and Fell Into a Rabbit Hole of Stupid
Twitch has permanently banned the V-Tube streamer OppaiPantsuu. It seems that after some years they realized that her channel name translates to "bosomy undergarments". The streamer behind the CGI model was perfectly willing to change the name and find out if anything else needed changing. But for Twitch this name is the line that must not be crossed. She'd done some appearances on IronMouse doing collab playthroughs and D&D sessions and is a fairly entertaining if lewd mouthed loon, Here she is covering various aspects of current year stupidity and being refreshingly devoid of any pretensions of respectability.
No...really. It's not safe for work, school or mixed company
But it was the NAME that got her banned!
Also, this season appears to be a complete dumpsterfire of degeneracy.
I heard about this on IronMouse's stream and while looking it up, I blundered into this related bit of stupid, where another Twitch streamer got banned for referring to a character as transg*nder. I assume that there's an "E" behind that asterikx, but the headline and article uses an asterix and I can't imagine what other letter would fit...and if I found one it would likely be another of the 57 genders which would just make my morning even stupider. There's a happy ending...sort of....if you've never read Orwell. You see they modified their decision to be a 2 week ban and as this article reports...
Jinntty thought it was okay to use that word to describe the character after hearing so many other people talk about it. However, Jinnytty also used it in an aggressive manner after being annoyed with Abby's character portrayal and disappointment towards the Last of Us 2's story.
So she used the word to repeat what was reported in other media...but she used it in an "aggressive" manner and in the context of being annoyed with the aromatic bear spoor that is the game's story.
That's creepy.
This once, context matters...not obvious context but inferred context...
Someone needs to get to setting up a social media company that does streaming in West Virginia where one is not subjected to the intense mean-girl pressures of Silicon Valley. Is there some reason that everyone goes to Assholeville? Is it proximity to magic smoke mines in the redwood forests or something? It can't be strictly necessary. They have social media companies run out of Australia, and Australia has a random-encounter-table that's like Skull Island.
Bogus trademark filings are an old game for China, one they usually win in their own courts, but often lose everywhere else. Most importantly, trademark cases hinge on the degree of similarity to the exact registered mark, and to the possibility of creating confusion in the market. If the illustration in their filing really is someone else's copyrighted art used without permission, the whole thing falls apart.
As long as one of their victims has the money for a lawyer with relevant experience, that is.
Posted by: J Greely at Sat Aug 1 14:48:23 2020 (ZlYZd)
The missing letter is actually "A". The character in question is a goose in the process of becoming a mallard.
Posted by: Wonderduck at Sat Aug 1 16:41:12 2020 (D9Okp)
I seem to remember a frequent poster of comments here who was...working...on some sort of social media platform...Maybe...?
Posted by: cxt217 at Sat Aug 1 18:51:28 2020 (4i7w0)
Joe Hills, a Minecraft Youtuber and streamer, recently said he quit Twitch before he got banned. According to him, Twitch bans transparent shirts and that's the thing that would get him in trouble.
Posted by: Rick C at Sat Aug 1 23:23:17 2020 (Iwkd4)
Message confused, showed up at con wearing ahoge hoodie.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Sun Aug 2 19:53:08 2020 (PiXy!)
I'm Gonna Get Off the Fence and Make a Prediction.
Monday's going to be wet here.
This is not a particularly severe storm as these things go, and doesn't even seem to be particularly wet, though the ability to predict rainfall in these things is notoriously unreliable.
I did not get the grass cut today before the bottom fell out. I fear that I won't be able to do so now for a week, which will mean my yard will be a sniper hide before I can mow it.
Your grass isn't out of control until you need to tilt the lawnmower back at a 45-degree angle to keep it from choking as you slowly work your way across the yard. We called those "A cuts", and got paid double by HUD.
One of my favorite politicians, albeit, a very part time one, he had come from absolutely nothing as the son of a maid and a chauffeur in the Jim Crow South. He went on to become an actual rocket scientist for the Navy working on guided missiles.
In his civilian life, he later saved Burger King and Godfather's Pizza from oblivion....and did so by actually saving the companies and their employees jobs rather than firing everybody, and selling off the physical plant like so many other corporate turnaround artists.
The successes of those two companies was so remarkable that he was elected to be head of the National Restaurant Association.
In that capacity, he saved us all.
You see, in a nationally televised Q&A on the glories and wonders of Hillarycare, he asked some pointed questions involving some esoteric sorcery called "math". In the course of a back and forth with President Clinton he laid out how the plan was unworkable and would destroy small businesses. He then pointed to the fact that the subsidies that Clinton talked about were not actually in the plan and moreover could not be added as they would be too expensive.
Cain transformed the debate when he challenged Clinton at a town meeting in Kansas City, Mo., last April. Cain asked the president what he was supposed to say to the workers he would have to lay off because of the cost of the "employer mandate." Clinton responded that there would be plenty of subsidies for small businessmen, but Cain persisted. "Quite honestly, your calculation is inaccurate," he told the president. "In the competitive marketplace it simply doesn't work that way."
The switchboard at Godfather's was lit up with supportive calls. It was as if the small business community -- a very large and politically powerful group -- had been told to march on Washington. Cain, said Larry Neal, an aide to Sen. Phil Gramm, "was the lightning rod."
A lot of people on the right fetishize and covet the label "Reaganesque" but despite being frequently mocked by the those who consider themselves the arbiters of conservatism, Cain was one of the most Reaganesque politicians since Reagan, being extremely upbeat, positive and strident in his belief in America's potential while still being tough as nails in his focus on reform. Both came from media, Reagan being an actor and Cain a radio personality. Cain lost his bid for the presidential nomination in 2012 but continued to push for reforms like his 9-9-9 plan, which is really one of the more sane proposals for fixing the U.S. tax system and budget deficit.
Cain got crap from all sides but he remained a happy warrior 'till the end. He succumbed to COVID-19 yesterday morning.
That event ranks right up there with the time the late Andrew Breitbart took advantage of Carlos Danger's late arrival at his own press conference, to make it his own.
Posted by: cxt217 at Sat Aug 1 18:53:11 2020 (4i7w0)
The headline explains the situation satisfactorily but, while the question posed is never answered, this quote stood out.
"We don’t want people opening those up, don’t put them in the mail, certainly don’t plant them. Contact us. Let us pick them up. Treat them like they are radioactive, like they are Kryptonite,†Miller said.
A bunch of seeds are showing up in peoples mailboxes, that the people did not order and nothing is known about except that they have been traced back to Communist Coronastan; yes; China.
This could be something as simple as an Amazon review scam, or it could be something more concerning.
Since the Sino Sinus Syphilis has introduced the West to facial spit shields, this is a decidedly bad time for a Triffid invasion.
Posted by: Rick C at Wed Jul 29 20:25:21 2020 (Iwkd4)
A woman a couple towns over from me allegedly got some and planted them (She was on the local news so I do not discount the possibility it was a faked up story to....get on the local news).
Nothing happened, seeds didn't even germinate. Apparently the USDA has identified some of them as sericea lespedeza, a nasty invasive species we stupidly imported from there in the '30s for erosion control and grazing (though it's bad for cattle, very high in tannins).
the photo of some I saw looked like sunflower seeds.
I suspect "brushing scam" but since it's 2020, who even knows any more. Actually "brushing scam" would be a welcomely boring explanation
Posted by: fillyjonk at Thu Jul 30 14:45:43 2020 (o5UlT)
Once finished, the robot will feature an incredible 24 degrees of freedom, meaning this thing will be able to walk.
The thing is supposed to be fully operational by October, and while its schedule was thrown into chaos by CoronaChan, it appears that they have now caught up and an October debut is a real possibility.
Just as long as it's not the future where a space colony is crashed into Sydney.
Posted by: Pete Zaitcev at Tue Jul 28 14:56:53 2020 (LZ7Bg)
I'm sure that if any space colonies declare themselves to be a ArchDuchy, Pixy will move.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Tue Jul 28 15:20:56 2020 (5iiQK)
Given that a couple years later after Operation British, yet another space colony crashed into North America...Maybe Ace's much touted 'Sweet Meteorite of Death' will actually come true.
Incidentally, one positive thing that happened on Youtube this year - they started officially posting the soundtracks from the various Gundam titles the same way they post music from labels.
Posted by: cxt217 at Tue Jul 28 23:29:44 2020 (4i7w0)
It appears that Twitter has run into a spot of bother regarding their ad revenue and the poor dears are considering a subscription service. That is, people will have to pay for the privilege of partaking in the Twitterverse.
One of The Brickmuppet's Crack Team of Science Babes has some thoughts.
There's a lot to unpack in yesterday's NTD report. It looks like the 3 Gorges Dam may not be long for this world, the WuFlu (or something) is spreading big way, However the most disturbing bit of information is that the Uyghur Population in Xinjiang has dropped by 80 percent in the last three years.
That's worse than the drop in the Jewish population in Europe in the 1940s which was a drop of between 60 and 70%.
GoldenHelper, as researchers from security firm Trustwave dubbed the malware, hid inside the Golden Tax Invoicing software, which all companies registered in China are mandated to use to pay value-added taxes. The malware is able to bypass the User Account Control, the Windows mechanism that requires users to give their approval before software can install programs or make other system changes. Once that’s done, GoldenSpy can install modules with System-level privileges.
Additionally, it appears that this mess in the Himalayas is not lost patrols or communications glitches, but the fact that China is seriously poking at India.
China is a nuclear power which should give everyone pause. However, it should be remembered that even at the height of the cold war the U.S.A. and U.S.S.R. were able to come to the table and ratify arms control treaties. Logically, China should be welcomed into the ongoing nuclear arms limitation/reduction treaty negotiations. And indeed they would be, if they hadn't rejected that offer from America and Russias with prejudice.
China, with the world’s biggest nuclear arsenal after the U.S. and Russia, has maintained it will not join in talks with Washington and Moscow on reducing its number of warheads.
Been reviewing everything I could find on this. The photo showing major distortions is from 2018, and I have to agree that it's Google algorithm issue. There's no way a structure made of concrete can deform like that without severe cracking and failure. On the other hand, I have no doubt that the structure is deforming more than planned. But anything you could see on a satellite photo would have already resulted in a failure, even military-quality images.
Posted by: Ubu at Wed Jul 22 08:20:09 2020 (UlsdO)
My town put up a stage this weekend in an empty field and had a drive-in concert. Pull your car up, tune the radio to a specific frequency, listen to a live band on Friday night and a different one Saturday.
Posted by: Rick C at Mon Jul 20 08:45:35 2020 (Iwkd4)
Posted by: Mauser at Tue Jul 21 23:23:42 2020 (Ix1l6)
Inslee probably is the kind of person who thinks cars in drive-throughs should socially distance, too. I've seen too many people doing that lately.
Posted by: Rick C at Wed Jul 22 08:51:19 2020 (Iwkd4)
My local mall insisted on socially-distanced parking, but that was before they were ordered to close again. At this point, the whole place might as well be used as a drive-in theater; I doubt many of the stores inside will try to reopen a second time, if and when.
It can't be real. All the Gamestops would have been burned down and their employees murdered by mostly peaceful transactivists. I've not been able to find any of the figures and most of the news articles have vanished into the memory hole. However, I can't find a single retraction or report that this was fake.
At this point it's about equally plausible that this was a brilliant hoax or that there was a short run of these things and the reports from major outlets have been purged as politically incorrect.